Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Attractive legs
Swelling and fatigue in the legs subside
Blood circulation improves
Tissue elasticity is maintained
Long-term result

We recommend laser treatment

For people who want to improve their quality of life and well-being
For patients diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency
For patients who want to quickly and effectively get rid of vein diseases
In the long term, it is cheaper to undergo surgery than to live with symptoms while using medication
Approximately 17% of the population requires laser surgery.

Before and after











Modern technologies

Since the method's inception in 1994, both laser technologies and laser fibers have improved. Currently, at Dr. Maurins Clinic, we use third-generation laser equipment with Biolitec ELVeS Painless 1940 nm laser wavelength, which is 3–4 times more effective than previous generations of lasers. The latest generation laser technologies offer many advantages – the patient experiences less pain, the risk of nerve damage is minimized, and less anesthesia is required. The new generation radial (radial fibre) laser fibers emit energy sideways, directly onto the vein wall, rather than forward like bare fibre lasers. This allows the treated vein to be closed at the entry point in the deep vein, leaving no untreated vein segment.

For reference: endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) has become one of the main methods for treating chronic venous insufficiency. In Latvia, more than 90% of all vein surgeries are performed using this method.

At Dr. Maurins Clinic, only single-use laser fibers are used, as their reuse is not possible due to the special technologies that prevent the fibers from being used again!

Fast and gentle treatment

The blood flow in the veins is directed physiologically from the periphery to the center (toward the heart) by the heart's suction action, breathing, muscle activity in the legs (“muscle pump”), and the vein valves. If any of these components function inadequately, especially the vein valves, venous blood stagnation in the legs occurs, mainly due to blood reflux (backflow).

During laser surgery, only the damaged segments of the superficial veins are closed, ensuring blood flow in the physiological direction through the healthy veins. The majority of blood (85-90%) flows through the deep veins, so the absence of the closed subcutaneous veins usually does not cause venous circulation problems.

At Dr. Maurins Clinic, all doctors follow unified principles. Preventive measures are provided to all patients to reduce the risk of thrombosis, and the patient's health is carefully monitored. During the postoperative period, follow-up visits are required to assess the closed vein segments as well as the deep veins through ultrasound: on the first postoperative day, all patients are checked, on the 10th postoperative day, and again after three months. For preventive purposes, we also recommend annual follow-up visits.

10–14 days after surgery, it is often observed that the venous branches have flattened, and after three months, it can be seen that the venous network continues to reduce, confirming that the treatment was successful – blood reflux has been eliminated.

Laser surgery with side branch removal

For patients in whom vein branches have developed as the disease progresses, the damaged side branch segments of the veins are removed in addition to the laser surgery through small 1 mm skin incisions using specialized instruments (Varade method). The uniqueness of the special instruments and techniques allows for excellent aesthetic results.


Any surgical procedure or operation carries a certain risk of complications. Although the risk of potential complications is small, even in carefully examined patients and after a high-quality surgery, the following complications or side effects may occur:

  • Allergic reaction to medication
  • Hematomas (blood pooling under the skin)
  • Wound inflammation or infection
  • And others

These complications have been observed in less than 1% of patients treated at Dr. Maurins Clinic.

How is the procedure determined?

Laser surgery is performed on an outpatient basis – the patient arrives at the clinic 30 minutes before the scheduled surgery. The duration of the surgery depends on the number and length of the veins being treated: 30-40 minutes for one leg, 40-55 minutes for both legs, as only the damaged part of the vein is operated on. 30 minutes after the surgery, the patient can go about their daily activities, such as going home, to work, or traveling.

Dr. Maurins Clinic uses the latest generation laser, which causes less trauma compared to previous-generation lasers. For most patients, compression stockings are not necessary after the procedure. This is the most modern treatment technology worldwide, providing a minimal risk of recurrence.

At Dr. Maurins Clinic, a standardized treatment protocol is followed, which defines the area requiring local anesthesia, the technique for inserting the laser fiber into the diseased vein, and its power. Under ultrasound control, the laser fiber is guided to the entrance point of the vein in the deep vein. By activating the diode laser, the energy emitted by the laser fiber is delivered precisely to the vein wall, thermally closing it. The closed vein will be fully absorbed within 12 months, and connective tissue will form, leaving no trace. This method is safe and gentle as it protects surrounding tissues, skin, nerves, and lymphatic vessels.

Patient satisfaction with the treatment process and results is very high: 99.8% of patients report being very satisfied with Dr. Maurins Clinic (data from the 2024 patient satisfaction survey).

Under the guidance of Prof. Uldis Maurins, appropriate technologies are used for standardized treatment of leg veins. The doctors have extensive knowledge and experience, as all clinic doctors are engaged in continuing education, result monitoring, and research.

Each patient's case is analyzed individually, and if necessary, treatment is carried out in stages, combining laser surgery with mini-phlebectomy, sclerotherapy, or laser sclerotherapy.

Important to know

Without compression stockings
If laser surgery is performed without side branch removal, compression stockings are not required during the postoperative period
Easy to prepare for
Before the surgery, only a duplex ultrasound of the leg veins is required
Long-term results
A precisely performed surgery guarantees a long-term result.
Fast recovery
In the postoperative period, you can return to your daily activities the very next day.

Our specialists

Uldis Mauriņš
Prof. Uldis Mauriņš
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Andrejs Vanags
Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags
Medicīnas Doktors, Fleboloģijas nodaļas vadītājs, Ķirurgs
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Alla Bobrova
Dr. Alla Bobrova
Asinsvadu ķirurgs
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Alise Didrihsone
Dr. Alise Didrihsone
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Sintija Lapsa
Dr. Sintija Lapsa
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Romans Luņins
Dr. Romans Luņins
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Marija Petroviča
Dr. Marija Petroviča
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Andis Rīts
Dr. Andis Rīts
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Arturs Truškovs
Dr. Arturs Truškovs
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Rets Vīgants
Dr. Rets Vīgants
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Patient testimonials

Sandra Kupča
21. Jan, 2025

Gads pagājis kā vēnu operācija veikta, bet dr. A. Vanags paliks mans mīļākais ārsts, īsts profesionāls, jauks cilvēks.

Ilze Glaudāne
10. Jan, 2025

Forša dakterīte dara darbiņu no sirds!

Baiba Rasima
4. Jan, 2025

Andis Rīts ir brīnišķīgs, vairāk tādu sirdssiltu cilvēku pasaulei

Mairita T
3. Jan, 2025

Sirsnìgs paldies personàlam par laipno apkalpošanu, par pacietìbu un prasmi izskaidrot visus ar àrstèšanu skartos jautàjumus! Jùsu iestàdè jutos kà uz citas planètas, viss augstàkajà lìmenì! Ļoti, ļoti esmu pateicìga dakterei Allai Bobrovai par iejùtìbu un veikto operàciju ! Lai Jums gaiši un mierpilni Ziemassvètki un panàkumiem bagàts Jaunais gads!

Dairis Logins
28. Dec, 2024

Andrejs Vanags ir vislabākais ārsts. Paldies Jums par visu. Lai Jums vienmēr laba veselība.

Ludmila Meņģeisone
4. Dec, 2024

Dakteris ļoti jauks un atsaucīgs. Un ja dzīvē apmeklējis šo dakterite tād tas paliek atmiņā līdz mūža galam, tāk kā man personīgi. Paldies kā jūs tads mums esat!

20. Oct, 2024

Īpaša,individuāla pieeja. Jutos kā valsts prezidente. Apkalpošana no ārsta puses IZCILA!

Aleksandrs Bušs
1. Oct, 2024

Šis dakteris ir ļoti labs cilvēks !!! Biju viņa pacients

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Frequently asked questions
Before laser surgery, a vein diagnostic examination with ultrasound must be performed to assess the condition of the veins and create the necessary treatment plan. If the patient has already been prescribed laser surgery as a treatment method, it is important to note that the examination is valid for one year. If you have an examination from another institution with a prescribed laser surgery, our clinic offers a service called "SECOND OPINION with a 50% discount" for duplex ultrasound and consultation.
No special preparation is required before vein laser surgery.
During the surgery, a small incision is made, and a special laser fiber is inserted into the vein. Under ultrasound guidance, the laser fiber is directed to the damaged sections of the varicose vein. Using laser energy, the damaged parts of the vein are sealed, and blood flow no longer occurs through them. The blood flow will continue through the healthy veins. The surgery is performed under ultrasound control, ensuring high precision and safety during the procedure. It is important to note that timely vein treatment is crucial, as untreated varicose veins can lead to trophic ulcers, deep vein thrombosis, and other life-threatening conditions over time.
Yes, of course.
Thanks to modern laser technologies used in our clinic, after laser surgery, patients often do not need to wear compression stockings. A few years ago, this was unimaginable! Wearing compression stockings, for example, during the summer months, used to be the biggest obstacle among patients, leading them to postpone laser surgery until cooler weather. However, we have successfully been performing laser surgery during the summer months for 8 years now!
*There are some cases where the doctor may still recommend wearing compression stockings.
Thanks to the modern laser technologies used in our clinic, patients often do not need to wear compression stockings after laser surgery. Compression stockings must be worn after laser surgery if the doctor has recommended them based on your individual health condition. However, in most cases, compression stockings are not necessary!
Hot baths and sauna treatments are not recommended for one month after the surgery.
During pregnancy and lactation.