Dr. Maurins Clinic is always looking for experienced and dedicated professionals to join our team and work in a modern, growth-oriented environment. We offer not only excellent working conditions but also opportunities for professional development and collaboration with industry experts. If you are passionate about your field and want to advance your career in a dynamic and supportive workplace, we invite you to join us. Apply now and become part of a clinic committed to providing the highest quality patient care!
Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar aktīvās pārdošanas iemaņām
Ja vēlies iegūt vērtīgu darba pieredzi augošā un uz inovācijām vērstā uzņēmumā, strādājot kopā ar profesionāliem kolēģiem, tad pievienojies mums!
Māsas palīgs
Dr. Mauriņa klīnika aicina pievienoties savai profesionāļi komandai Māsas palīgu!
Endoskopijas nodaļas vadītājs
Dr. Mauriņa klīnika aicina pievienoties savam profesionālajam kolektīvam Endoskopijas nodaļas vadītāju.
Medicīnas māsa vispārējā aprūpē
Dr. Mauriņa klīnika aicina pievienoties savai komandai medicīnas māsu vispārējā aprūpē!
Find out how Dr. Maurins Clinic changes its patients lives and how you can become part of this mission!
Dr. Maurins Clinic is one of the most modern private clinics in the Baltics, featuring six operating rooms, 18 consultation rooms, and 10 comfortable recovery suites. We provide medical care to more than 100,000 patients annually, utilizing globally recognized treatment methods that ensure fast recovery and exceptional results.
If you are committed to providing exceptional care and want to work alongside our talented surgeons, join our professional team! Dr. Maurins Clinic is the perfect place to advance your career and make a meaningful impact on patients' lives.
Work at the clinic
Professional and motivating work environment
Dr. Maurins Clinic offers the opportunity to work in a modern medical facility with professional and supportive colleagues who help foster growth and development.
Excellent working conditions
The clinic is located in the green Mežaparks area, offering excellent working conditions, including modern facilities, relaxation areas, and access to various meal options during work breaks.
Beneficial financial conditions
The clinic provides a competitive salary with social guarantees, as well as additional benefits such as health insurance and discounts on clinic services.
Flexibility and work-life balance
The offer does not include night or shift work, allowing for a good work-life balance, which is essential for long-term professional success.
Excellent infrastructure and accessibility
The workplace is easily accessible thanks to excellent public transportation connections and free parking, making daily commuting more convenient.