1. Definitions.
1.1. Patient – A person who receives healthcare services or seeks them.
1.2. Patient’s authorized representative – A person whom the patient has informed the healthcare institution about (in writing, by signing a power of attorney manually or with a secure electronic signature, in the form of a notarized document, by submitting a notarized power of attorney, or verbally, formalized in writing by the healthcare institution and signed by the patient) or has made a relevant authorization entry in the unified electronic health information system (E-veselība), authorizing them to consent to treatment on behalf of the patient as a whole or for a specific treatment method, or to refuse it, as well as to receive information in accordance with Article 4 of the Patient Rights Law.
1.3. Patient’s legal representative – A person who legally represents a minor patient (a parent or natural guardian or a guardian appointed by the Orphan’s Court) or an incapacitated or partially incapacitated patient (a guardian appointed by the Orphan’s Court based on a court ruling).
1.4. Patient’s accompanying person – A person who, in specific cases, has the right to stay with the patient in the inpatient facility of the healthcare institution.
1.5. Visitor – A person who has the right to visit a patient in a healthcare institution for the purpose of exercising the patient’s rights to necessary support during treatment, as provided in Article 5, paragraph 2 of the Patient Rights Law, which may be given by family members and other individuals such as relatives and friends.
2.1. The internal regulations of SIA “Flebomedika” or Dr. Maurins Clinic (hereinafter – the Clinic) (hereinafter – Regulations) define the rights and obligations of the patient, the patient’s authorized representative, the patient’s legal representative, the patient’s accompanying person, and the visitor, who are present in the premises and territory of the Clinic.
3.1. The patient, the patient’s authorized representative, the patient’s legal representative, the patient’s accompanying person, and the visitor must comply with the instructions and orders of the Clinic’s staff.
3.2. The patient’s authorized representative and legal representative are bound by the patient’s rights and obligations.
3.3. The following must be observed in the Clinic:
3.3.1. Fire safety and electrical safety requirements;
3.3.2. The rights of the Clinic’s staff and other persons;
3.3.3. This Code, generally accepted behavioral, ethical, and moral standards;
3.3.4. Epidemiological safety requirements set by the Clinic, including the use of personal protective equipment, changeable shoes, or disposable shoe covers.
3.4. Within the Clinic’s premises and territory, it is prohibited to:
3.4.1. Smoke;
3.4.2. Bring along, consume, or be under the influence of alcohol, narcotic substances, or other intoxicating substances;
3.4.3. Bring in animals, except for guide dogs or assistance dogs necessary for individuals with special needs.
3.5. Photography and video recording within the Clinic’s premises and territory are allowed only with the permission of the Clinic’s staff.
3.6. The use of personal mobile phones, computers, or other electronic devices is permitted in the Clinic unless a specific location prohibits it with a designated sign. The use of devices must not disturb other persons or the medical process.
3.7. The Clinic’s environment must be kept clean and orderly, and care must be taken of the Clinic’s inventory. The patient is financially responsible for any intentional damage to the Clinic’s property in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Latvia.
3.8. The patient, the patient’s authorized representative, the patient’s legal representative, the patient’s accompanying person, and the visitor have the right to submit applications, suggestions, and complaints regarding the provided healthcare services to the Clinic’s management, attending physician, or administration.
3.9. If the Code is not followed, law enforcement (state/municipal police) may be called in the event of a conflict.
4.1. The patient (either personally or through an authorized or legal representative) has the right to:
4.1.1. Receive quality healthcare services and information about their health condition;
4.1.2. Confidentiality, meaning the right that information about the patient’s health condition is not disclosed to third parties, except to other medical personnel directly involved in the treatment process and state institutions as stipulated in Article 50 of the Medical Treatment Law;
4.1.3. Receive visitors and choose the visitor circle in the day hospital, in accordance with the Clinic’s visitor policy;
4.1.4. Consume personal food products in the day hospital, provided they are permitted according to the patient’s health condition and treatment plan;
4.1.5. Address any concerns, conflicts, complaints, or uncertainties to the attending physician, head nurse, or the Clinic’s chief physician in a specified order;
4.1.6. Have an accompanying person stay in the day hospital under the conditions set by the Clinic;
4.1.7. Provide suggestions for desired improvements at the Clinic by filling out a patient survey.
4.2.2. The person who is authorized, if necessary, to consent to treatment in general or to a specific treatment method on behalf of the patient or to refuse treatment in general or a specific treatment method, recording this information in the patient's medical documentation or the treatment contract with the patient for the provision of healthcare services in the outpatient ward.
5. Patient's obligations.
5.1. The patient (either personally or through their authorized or legal representative), upon registration and/or treatment at the Clinic, must present upon the request of the Clinic's staff:
5.1.1. An identity document;
5.1.2. Other documents related to treatment (examination or test results, medical extracts, etc.);
5.1.3. A document certifying the rights of the legal representative to represent the patient, if necessary;
5.1.4. An insurance policy for insured persons.
5.2. The patient (either personally or through their authorized or legal representative) must comply with:
5.2.1. All instructions related to the treatment process and care provided by the Clinic’s staff;
5.2.2. The daily regimen established in the day hospital, including the prescribed diet in accordance with their health condition;
5.2.3. Personal hygiene.
5.3. The patient (either personally or through their authorized or legal representative) is obliged to:
5.3.1. Actively participate in the treatment process by providing the attending physician with all necessary information for ensuring treatment;
5.3.2. Not endanger their own or other persons' health, safety, and life;
5.3.3. Read and sign an informed consent form regarding the planned medical service;
5.3.4. Settle payments for the services provided by the Clinic in a timely manner at the Clinic’s registration desk or according to the invoice issued by the Clinic via bank transfer.
6. A patient who fails to comply with the Code, including treatment instructions and prescribed regimen, deliberately harming their health and/or affecting the treatment process, may be denied healthcare services in whole or in part unless there is an immediate threat to the patient’s life.
7. Rights and obligations of an outpatient ward visitor.
7.1. The visitor has the right to:
7.1.1. Visit the patient with the patient's consent and deliver a package containing necessary items for the patient while in the Clinic’s outpatient ward;
7.1.2. Deliver and hand over food products to the patient if permitted according to the patient’s health condition and prescribed treatment.
7.2. The visitor is obliged to:
7.2.1. Comply with the Clinic’s outpatient ward patient visiting regulations, including the allowable number of visitors, visiting hours, and duration;
7.2.2. Treat others and the Clinic's staff with courtesy and respect;
7.2.3. Not interfere with the healthcare process without a valid reason.
8. Rights and obligations of the patient's accompanying person.
8.1. The patient’s accompanying person has the right to stay in the Clinic together with the patient, following the procedures established by the Clinic.
8.2. The decision on the stay of the patient's accompanying person in the Clinic's outpatient ward is made by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's health condition and the need for special care when necessary for a patient with mobility impairments or when the accompanying person needs to acquire specific patient care skills.
9. Final provisions.
9.1. The Code comes into effect upon its approval.