Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Quality of life improves
Even long-standing non-healing trophic ulcers are healed
A comprehensive approach to the treatment of trophic ulcers


Heaviness and swelling in the leg, difficulty standing
Brownish, thin skin
The wound is not decreasing in size, but is increasing
Non-healing wound on the leg
During the consultation, we will provide a detailed treatment plan and outline the expected outcomes

How does the procedure work?

The treatment of trophic ulcers is a comprehensive approach. First, an accurate diagnosis is made, and then a treatment strategy is chosen. The patient is informed about the specific form of the disease, as the patient's understanding and participation in the treatment process are necessary for achieving good results. Today, there are several treatment methods: laser surgery, skin grafting surgery, sclerotherapy; local wound care and treatment, as well as physiotherapy, including compression therapy and lymphatic drainage, are also crucial components.

Compression therapy for the treatment of trophic ulcers

In milder cases, when the trophic ulcer has not yet formed and treatment has started promptly, compression therapy is sufficient: in these cases, the swollen leg is bandaged with special elastic bandages, which are kept in place for several days. Between bandage changes, lymphatic drainage procedures are performed, which is a special massage to reduce swelling in the legs. Lymphatic drainage and bandaging procedures are done under the supervision of a doctor. Once the swelling has decreased, the use of venous compression stockings is recommended.

If an ulcer has formed, the ulcer bed is first cleaned of pus and dead tissue, and only then is compression therapy and lymphatic drainage procedures applied.

Skin grafting surgery

In more severe cases, when an ulcer does not heal after adequate treatment or if it is very large, we offer skin grafting or Shave surgery, which provides quick and reliable results.

Skin grafting surgery is a new and internationally recognized method that has gained recognition in recent years. The essence of this surgery is the treatment of diseased skin with healthy skin: the superficial layer of skin is taken from the patient's thigh using a special instrument and applied to the cleaned damaged area on the lower leg. This surgery effectively and successfully heals large tissue defects, even those that have not responded to treatment for years.

The surgery is not complicated and lasts 20-30 minutes; it can be performed on an outpatient basis. After successful ulcer healing, medical compression stockings should be worn for an extended period.


The condition is more likely to develop if superficial vein disease is not treated in a timely manner. As the disease progresses, deep veins can also be affected. Deep vein insufficiency almost always develops in patients who have had a previous deep vein thrombosis. The condition is more common in smokers, individuals with high blood pressure, those suffering from metabolic disorders such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, and other hereditary or genetically determined factors. The disease is more often seen in people with a sedentary lifestyle or those who have had a heart attack or stroke.

Important to know

Effective treatment
Quality of life improves
Long-term result
Almost all patients are satisfied with the results of the procedure
Gentle procedure
The procedure uses innovative technologies
Can be repeated
Procedure can be repeated

Our specialists

Uldis Mauriņš
Prof. Uldis Mauriņš
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Andrejs Vanags
Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags
Medicīnas Doktors, Fleboloģijas nodaļas vadītājs, Ķirurgs
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Alla Bobrova
Dr. Alla Bobrova
Asinsvadu ķirurgs
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Alise Didrihsone
Dr. Alise Didrihsone
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Sintija Lapsa
Dr. Sintija Lapsa
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Romans Luņins
Dr. Romans Luņins
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Marija Petroviča
Dr. Marija Petroviča
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Sandra Prāve
Dr. Sandra Prāve
Vispārējās prakses ārsts, Flebologs
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Andis Rīts
Dr. Andis Rīts
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Arturs Truškovs
Dr. Arturs Truškovs
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Rets Vīgants
Dr. Rets Vīgants
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Patient testimonials

Sandra Kupča
21. Jan, 2025

Gads pagājis kā vēnu operācija veikta, bet dr. A. Vanags paliks mans mīļākais ārsts, īsts profesionāls, jauks cilvēks.

Ilze Glaudāne
10. Jan, 2025

Forša dakterīte dara darbiņu no sirds!

Baiba Rasima
4. Jan, 2025

Andis Rīts ir brīnišķīgs, vairāk tādu sirdssiltu cilvēku pasaulei

Mairita T
3. Jan, 2025

Sirsnìgs paldies personàlam par laipno apkalpošanu, par pacietìbu un prasmi izskaidrot visus ar àrstèšanu skartos jautàjumus! Jùsu iestàdè jutos kà uz citas planètas, viss augstàkajà lìmenì! Ļoti, ļoti esmu pateicìga dakterei Allai Bobrovai par iejùtìbu un veikto operàciju ! Lai Jums gaiši un mierpilni Ziemassvètki un panàkumiem bagàts Jaunais gads!

Dairis Logins
28. Dec, 2024

Andrejs Vanags ir vislabākais ārsts. Paldies Jums par visu. Lai Jums vienmēr laba veselība.

Ludmila Meņģeisone
4. Dec, 2024

Dakteris ļoti jauks un atsaucīgs. Un ja dzīvē apmeklējis šo dakterite tād tas paliek atmiņā līdz mūža galam, tāk kā man personīgi. Paldies kā jūs tads mums esat!

20. Oct, 2024

Īpaša,individuāla pieeja. Jutos kā valsts prezidente. Apkalpošana no ārsta puses IZCILA!

Aleksandrs Bušs
1. Oct, 2024

Šis dakteris ir ļoti labs cilvēks !!! Biju viņa pacients

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