Pāriet uz galveno saturu


A relatively quick and affordable procedure.
Does not leave scars
Safe for people with various chronic conditions.
Excellent aesthetic result when using modern technologies
After the procedure, you can immediately continue with your usual daily activities.

Before and after











Effectiveness of sclerotherapy

The sclerotherapy procedure is recommended for closing varicosed skin veins and subcutaneous veins. If the problem with veins is only a cosmetic defect that spoils the appearance of the legs (vein “stripes”, “stars”, “spider veins”), then sclerotherapy is the best method for their elimination.

How does the procedure work?

The sclerosant medication destroys the inner layer of the vein, the endothelial cells. The body perceives this as a wound and attempts to heal it, resulting in the formation of connective tissue in the vein wall, causing the vein to close. If the damage is extensive, several sclerotherapy sessions may be planned. Immediately after sclerotherapy, we can assess the vein's reaction using ultrasound, how it spasms, and how far the medication has spread. During the next follow-up visit, we can observe how this reaction has progressed and the extent to which the vein has closed. If necessary, we continue the treatment course. The effect of the medication is not felt, only the injection puncture. Afterward, there may be a pulling sensation, but there is no pain, only slight discomfort. This sensation is more noticeable if the vein is closer to the skin's surface and less pronounced if it is deeper.

Result after the procedure

When the vein is closed, a pigmented stripe forms along its course. The larger the vein, the more pigment may form, and the closer the vein is to the skin's surface, the more visible the pigment will be. Absorption typically takes three to six months, and sometimes even longer. While the pigment is still visible, it is recommended to avoid sauna visits and sunbathing. After the procedure, walking and swimming are recommended, as they improve venous blood flow and activate the muscles, which helps the venous system return blood to the heart.


Any medical procedure or treatment carries a certain risk of complications. Although the risk is small, even in carefully examined patients and after a high-quality sclerotherapy procedure, the following complications may occur:

  1. Skin pigmentation in the area of the sclerosed vein
  2. Leg swelling (edema)
  3. Newly expanded capillaries in the area of the sclerosed vein
  4. Hardening along the treated blood vessel path
  5. Venous inflammation
  6. General or local allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock, hives, etc.)
  7. Deep vein thrombosis
  8. Pulmonary artery thromboembolism
  9. Skin necrosis
  10. Neurological complications (transient cerebral ischemia, vision disturbances, migraine)

How does the procedure work?

During sclerotherapy, a sclerosing agent (a medication that causes damage to the inner layer of the vein) is injected into the diseased leg vein under the control of special equipment. The medication is injected using a needle or a short catheter in liquid or foam form, which results in the vein being closed and gradually disappearing. The procedure is quick and lasts about 15 minutes. Sometimes, we recommend performing sclerotherapy in several stages.

This method is widely used when veins cannot be treated with laser treatment, as well as in cases of recurrence and situations where varicose veins are under trophic skin changes (trophic ulcers, lipodermatosclerosis).

Important to know

Effective procedure
The procedure is monitored using ultrasound
Quick procedure
The procedure duration is only 15 minutes
Good result
Does not leave scars
Can be repeated
The procedure can be repeated

Our specialists

Uldis Mauriņš
Prof. Uldis Mauriņš
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Andrejs Vanags
Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags
Medicīnas Doktors, Fleboloģijas nodaļas vadītājs, Ķirurgs
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Alla Bobrova
Dr. Alla Bobrova
Asinsvadu ķirurgs
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Alise Didrihsone
Dr. Alise Didrihsone
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Sintija Lapsa
Dr. Sintija Lapsa
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Romans Luņins
Dr. Romans Luņins
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Marija Petroviča
Dr. Marija Petroviča
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Sandra Prāve
Dr. Sandra Prāve
Vispārējās prakses ārsts, Flebologs
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Andis Rīts
Dr. Andis Rīts
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Arturs Truškovs
Dr. Arturs Truškovs
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Rets Vīgants
Dr. Rets Vīgants
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Patient testimonials

Sandra Kupča
21. Jan, 2025

Gads pagājis kā vēnu operācija veikta, bet dr. A. Vanags paliks mans mīļākais ārsts, īsts profesionāls, jauks cilvēks.

Ilze Glaudāne
10. Jan, 2025

Forša dakterīte dara darbiņu no sirds!

Baiba Rasima
4. Jan, 2025

Andis Rīts ir brīnišķīgs, vairāk tādu sirdssiltu cilvēku pasaulei

Mairita T
3. Jan, 2025

Sirsnìgs paldies personàlam par laipno apkalpošanu, par pacietìbu un prasmi izskaidrot visus ar àrstèšanu skartos jautàjumus! Jùsu iestàdè jutos kà uz citas planètas, viss augstàkajà lìmenì! Ļoti, ļoti esmu pateicìga dakterei Allai Bobrovai par iejùtìbu un veikto operàciju ! Lai Jums gaiši un mierpilni Ziemassvètki un panàkumiem bagàts Jaunais gads!

Dairis Logins
28. Dec, 2024

Andrejs Vanags ir vislabākais ārsts. Paldies Jums par visu. Lai Jums vienmēr laba veselība.

Ludmila Meņģeisone
4. Dec, 2024

Dakteris ļoti jauks un atsaucīgs. Un ja dzīvē apmeklējis šo dakterite tād tas paliek atmiņā līdz mūža galam, tāk kā man personīgi. Paldies kā jūs tads mums esat!

20. Oct, 2024

Īpaša,individuāla pieeja. Jutos kā valsts prezidente. Apkalpošana no ārsta puses IZCILA!

Aleksandrs Bušs
1. Oct, 2024

Šis dakteris ir ļoti labs cilvēks !!! Biju viņa pacients

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Frequently asked questions
Before sclerotherapy, a vein diagnostic examination with ultrasound must be performed to assess the condition of the veins and create the necessary treatment plan. If sclerotherapy has already been prescribed as a treatment method, it is important to remember that the examination is valid for one year.
No special preparation is required before sclerotherapy.
Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure that lasts about 20 minutes. Afterward, compression stockings should be worn, and we recommend a 30-minute walk to improve the flow in the deep venous system. It is advised to wear compression stockings for two to four weeks after the procedure.
Yes, of course.
During the treatment course, hot baths and sauna treatments are not recommended, and intense physical activity should be avoided. After the sclerotherapy procedure, short-term use of compression stockings is required.
During pregnancy and lactation