Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Aesthetically pleasing result
Even skin tone
Blood circulation improves
Safe procedure
Does not leave scars
Var veikt vasarā

The procedure is most commonly performed for

For the legs
For the face
For the arms
For the buttocks area
During the consultation, we provide a detailed treatment plan and the expected results.

Before and after











Vēnas ārstē visu gadu

At Dr. Maurins Clinic, all vein-related problems are successfully addressed. Thanks to the advancement of technology, treatment is no longer seasonal – it can be done in the summer as well, without any restrictions on swimming or sunbathing. The CLaCS method was developed in Brazil. The hot and sunny climate there limits the ability to use sclerotherapy, which is widely practiced in temperate climates. Therefore, the CLaCS method was created. It combines laser therapy and sclerotherapy. This procedure can also be performed in the summer, as the likelihood of pigmentation is only 1–2%.

Laser sclerotherapy, or sclerotherapy using the CLaCS technique, is suitable for treating superficial vein networks. As an aesthetic issue, capillary networks that look like "blue stars" are especially bothersome in the summer when body parts are more exposed than during the cooler months.

How does the procedure work?

The skin is cooled with cold air, and the superficial blood vessels are treated with laser energy. This is followed by sclerotherapy. When the vein is treated with the laser, it is narrowed. The amount of blood remaining in the vein is reduced, which makes the following sclerotherapy much more effective. The risk of inflammation is low, and pigmentation is less pronounced. The closed vein no longer functions, and over time, it gradually disappears (gets absorbed).

The Vein Viewer device helps precisely visualize small veins located 3–5 mm beneath the skin. It uses the heat emitted by the veins, which is filmed with a camera and then projected onto the skin. This allows the doctor to see an image, enabling them to view veins that are not visible to the naked eye or through ultrasound.

After sclerotherapy with the CLaCS technique (Cryo Laser, Cryo Sclerotherapy in English), an eccentric, local dressing is applied to the treated veins. If necessary, a compression stocking is put on. The dressing can be removed a few hours after the procedure or the next day.

Laser sclerotherapy course

The number of laser sclerotherapy procedures is determined individually for each patient during the consultation. To achieve the best result, 2–3 procedures are usually recommended. The procedures can be performed every day, with a 24-hour break between each session.


Any medical procedure or treatment carries a certain risk of complications. Although the risk is small, even in carefully examined patients and after a high-quality laser sclerotherapy procedure, the following complications may occur:

  1. Skin pigmentation in the area of the sclerosed vein
  2. Leg swelling (edema)
  3. Newly expanded capillaries in the area of the sclerosed vein
  4. Hardening along the treated blood vessel path
  5. Venous inflammation
  6. General or local allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock, hives, etc.)
  7. Deep vein thrombosis
  8. Pulmonary artery thromboembolism
  9. Skin necrosis
  10. Neurological complications (transient cerebral ischemia, vision disturbances, migraine)

Important to know

Safe procedure
The procedure is monitored with the Vein Viewer
Effective procedure
Almost all patients are satisfied with the results of the procedure
Modern procedure
The procedure uses innovative technologies
Can be repeated
Procedure can be repeated

Our specialists

Uldis Mauriņš
Prof. Uldis Mauriņš
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
More information
Andrejs Vanags
Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags
Medicīnas Doktors, Fleboloģijas nodaļas vadītājs, Ķirurgs
More information
Romans Luņins
Dr. Romans Luņins
More information
Sandra Prāve
Dr. Sandra Prāve
Vispārējās prakses ārsts, Flebologs
More information
Rets Vīgants
Dr. Rets Vīgants
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
More information

Patient testimonials

Sandra Kupča
21. Jan, 2025

Gads pagājis kā vēnu operācija veikta, bet dr. A. Vanags paliks mans mīļākais ārsts, īsts profesionāls, jauks cilvēks.

Dairis Logins
28. Dec, 2024

Andrejs Vanags ir vislabākais ārsts. Paldies Jums par visu. Lai Jums vienmēr laba veselība.

Ludmila Meņģeisone
4. Dec, 2024

Dakteris ļoti jauks un atsaucīgs. Un ja dzīvē apmeklējis šo dakterite tād tas paliek atmiņā līdz mūža galam, tāk kā man personīgi. Paldies kā jūs tads mums esat!

20. Oct, 2024

Īpaša,individuāla pieeja. Jutos kā valsts prezidente. Apkalpošana no ārsta puses IZCILA!

Aleksandrs Bušs
1. Oct, 2024

Šis dakteris ir ļoti labs cilvēks !!! Biju viņa pacients

Normunds Millers
26. Sep, 2024

Ooo, Dr.Prāve! Klīnikas Lepnums un Zelta fonds! Sirsnīga pateicība par prasmēm un meistarību!

Sandra Sloka
9. Sep, 2024

Paldies dr. Mauriņam un viņa komandas sirsnīgajām māsiņām par man veikto kāju vēnu operāciju. Un silto tēju noslēgumā. Ar cieņu Sandra Sloka

9. Sep, 2024

Ļoooti labs speciālists prof.Mauriņš

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Frequently asked questions
Before laser sclerotherapy, a vein diagnostic examination with ultrasound must be performed to assess the condition of the veins and create the necessary treatment plan. If sclerotherapy has already been prescribed as a treatment method, it is important to remember that the examination is valid for one year.
No special preparation is required before laser sclerotherapy.
One should expect to feel the needle prick, but at Dr. Maurins Clinic, very small needles are used, which minimize discomfort to the minimum. When sclerosing capillaries, there may sometimes be a burning sensation. After the procedure, the patient's ability to work is not affected.
Laser sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure that lasts about 60 minutes, after which we recommend a 30-minute walk to improve blood flow in the deep venous system.
During the treatment course, hot baths and sauna treatments are not recommended, and intense physical activity should be avoided.
During pregnancy and lactation.