Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Discomfort in the legs disappears
Prevention of leg swelling
Effective solution
Reduced risk of thrombosis
Proven quality

What causes venous problems?

Inherited connective tissue weakness. If a person has a weaker connective tissue structure, the structure of the vein walls is also weaker.
Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone relaxes the vein walls, causing the veins to expand. As the size of the uterus increases, blood flow in the small pelvis is impaired, and the veins in the legs expand.
Age. Over time, the function of the valves deteriorates, and the vein walls become thicker, with reduced elasticity. More connective tissue forms in the vein walls, making them more permeable, causing water from the blood to leak into the tissues, leading to swelling in the legs.
Other factors. A sedentary lifestyle, use of hormonal contraception or hormone replacement therapy, obesity. Jobs that involve prolonged sitting or standing, as well as lifting heavy objects and exposure to heat, can also contribute.
Superficial venous insufficiency, commonly known as varicose veins, affects approximately one-third of the global population.

Steps of compression therapy

Compression therapy includes the use of compression bandages with special ties, as well as manual and mechanical lymphatic drainage. This helps reduce leg swelling, improve skin and subcutaneous metabolism, and heal small ulcers. After the reduction of swelling and/or healing of ulcers, the doctor takes precise leg measurements for each patient and individually selects medical compression stockings, which are a mandatory prerequisite for a successful therapy outcome.

Compression bandages

In cases of severe swelling, the doctor may prescribe leg bandaging with compression bandages. This type of treatment is only available at Dr. Maurins Clinic, where specially trained staff properly perform this bandaging. Once the swelling has significantly reduced, the doctor prescribes compression stockings for maintenance therapy to sustain the achieved results. Compression therapy is the primary method for treating the consequences of deep vein insufficiency.

Medical compression stockings

High-quality medical compression stockings are designed with a specific pressure around the ankle area. The pressure created by the stockings helps ensure normal blood circulation, improves results after sclerotherapy and laser surgery, and reduces inflammation, swelling, pain, scars, and pigmentation.

Special attention should also be given to leg veins if leg swelling is observed—ankles are swollen in the evenings, varicose veins are protruding, or there is a feeling of heaviness, pain, or cramps at night. Compression stockings help address these issues by applying pressure to the legs, improving blood flow from the legs and aiding in the upward movement of blood.

Correct choice

Compression stockings come in various types. They are classified into different compression classes, and there are also different sizing systems. Therefore, when choosing the most suitable compression stockings or tights, it is important to consult a knowledgeable specialist at Dr. Maurins Clinic's medical goods store to find the most appropriate solution. It is essential to choose certified and high-quality compression stockings or tights, with the manufacturer guaranteeing their effectiveness. These stockings are made with a specific pressure around the ankle area, classified into compression classes. The pressure created by the stockings helps move the blood upward, toward the heart.

At Dr. Maurins Clinic's medical goods store, both in-store and online at www.ameda.lv, you can purchase Ofa Bamberg compression stockings. Ofa Bamberg is a German company that combines cutting-edge technology with more than 90 years of experience in the production of medical compression stockings.

Types of compression

At Dr. Maurins Clinic's medical goods store and online store ameda.lv, you can find a wide range of high-quality Ofa Bamberg compression stockings and other compression products made in Germany:

• Medical compression stockings;

• Preventive stockings for daily use, especially recommended for people with long periods of sitting or standing, as well as for travelers;

• Special long stockings and tights for pregnant women;

• Sports compression stockings, calf and arm segments, as well as sports compression shorts.

Important to know

Varicose veins progress over time. Untreated varicose veins promote the formation of trophic ulcers and blood clots.
It affects quality of life
The condition promotes leg swelling, the expansion of blood vessel networks on the legs, and skin changes.
Can be treated
The most precise treatment method is laser surgery or laser surgery with side branch mini-phlebectomy. In other cases, sclerotherapy is recommended or compression therapy is prescribed.
Individual approach
To achieve good treatment results, different treatment strategies and methods are tailored to each patient.
Blood clots, or thrombosis, in varicose veins are a serious health risk that can block blood flow in the veins, causing pain and swelling, and can be life-threatening.

Patient testimonials

Laura Kalniņa
29. Jan, 2025

Šogad pavasaris atnāce ne tikai ar silto laiku, bet arī nepatīkamām sejas ādas problēmām. Kādu laiku pamocijos saviem spēkiem, bet nekādi uzlabojumi nebija manāmi, līdz brīdim kamēr aizgāju uz vizīti pie dermatoloģes dr.Mauriņas. Daktere izrakstīja aptiekā nopērkamus sejas kopšanas līdzekļus, rekomendēja pamēģināt dažādas nianses saistībā ar uzturu, kā arī nosūtīja uz klīnikā pieejamo hydrafacial procedūru kursu. Pēc 2 nedēļām jau bija ļoti manāmi uzlabojumi, bet pēc 3 mēnešiem sejas āda labāka kā iepriekš jebkad bijusi!

Sandra Kupča
21. Jan, 2025

Gads pagājis kā vēnu operācija veikta, bet dr. A. Vanags paliks mans mīļākais ārsts, īsts profesionāls, jauks cilvēks.

Ilze Glaudāne
10. Jan, 2025

Forša dakterīte dara darbiņu no sirds!

Baiba Rasima
4. Jan, 2025

Andis Rīts ir brīnišķīgs, vairāk tādu sirdssiltu cilvēku pasaulei

Mairita T
3. Jan, 2025

Sirsnìgs paldies personàlam par laipno apkalpošanu, par pacietìbu un prasmi izskaidrot visus ar àrstèšanu skartos jautàjumus! Jùsu iestàdè jutos kà uz citas planètas, viss augstàkajà lìmenì! Ļoti, ļoti esmu pateicìga dakterei Allai Bobrovai par iejùtìbu un veikto operàciju ! Lai Jums gaiši un mierpilni Ziemassvètki un panàkumiem bagàts Jaunais gads!

Dairis Logins
28. Dec, 2024

Andrejs Vanags ir vislabākais ārsts. Paldies Jums par visu. Lai Jums vienmēr laba veselība.

19. Dec, 2024

Vienmēr paskaidro ko dara, kāpēc ta dara, patīk ka informē par notiekošo

17. Dec, 2024

Visi speciālisti, kurus esmu apmeklējusi klīnikā ir visaugstākās kvalifikacijas ārsti savā specialitātē.

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Frequently asked questions
Primarily, it is necessary to know whether the compression stockings are needed for prevention or if they have been prescribed for medical reasons. If the compression stockings have been prescribed by a doctor, the type of compression stockings will be specified in the prescription given by the doctor after the visit. Compression stockings are classified into Class I and Class II.
The compression pressure – the higher the pressure exerted by the stockings, the higher the compression class. The pressure for preventive stockings is 16–18 mmHg, for Class I compression stockings it is 18–21 mmHg, and for Class II compression stockings, it is 23–32 mmHg.
The size depends on your individual leg measurements. You just need to take the relevant measurements, and we will find the size that fits you perfectly to ensure the stockings provide the correct and effective compression! Information about the measurements that need to be taken can be found in the description of each specific stocking model.
Compression stockings are recommended to be worn in the morning after waking up and should be removed in the evening. At night, your legs rest, and you do not need to wear the compression stockings while sleeping.
How to care for compression stockings?
Wash by hand at 30°C or on a gentle machine cycle, using liquid detergent that does not contain fabric softeners or bleach. Do not dry on heating devices or in direct sunlight.
Class I compression stockings and preventive compression stockings are put on like regular socks, and no special skills or techniques are required. The fabric should not be wrinkled – simply slide your foot in and gradually arrange the material to the desired location, such as the knee, thigh, etc. (depending on the chosen stocking model).