One in three
Chronic venous insufficiency is characterized by long-term complaints or symptoms. One of the manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency is varicose veins – a common condition that affects up to 30% of the population. Although it is considered a benign condition, it can significantly impact quality of life and work ability. If left untreated, complications may develop.
In addition to cosmetic complaints, discomfort, fatigue, and swelling in the lower extremities, the condition promotes the development of irreversible skin changes and non-healing ulcers. Thanks to modern treatment, the number of patients coming to the phlebologist with trophic ulcers has decreased. Skin changes in the legs are not the only complication of chronic venous insufficiency. In daily practice, the development of thrombosis in the leg veins is often observed. Untreated varicose vein patients have a significantly higher risk of thrombosis, as demonstrated by both statistical data and daily observations of patients who seek help at our clinic with typical complaints in their legs.