Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Experienced doctors
Accurate diagnosis
Clear treatment plan

What affects vein problems?

Inherited connective tissue weakness. If a person has a weaker connective tissue structure, the structure of the vein walls is also weaker, making them more prone to stretching.
Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone relaxes the vein walls, causing the veins to expand. As the size of the uterus increases, blood flow in the small pelvis is impaired, and the veins in the legs become enlarged.
Age. Over time, the function of the valves deteriorates, and the vein walls become thicker, with reduced elasticity. More connective tissue develops in the vein walls, making them more permeable, causing water from the blood to leak into the tissues, leading to swelling in the legs.
Citi faktori. Mazkustīgs dzīvesveids, hormonālās kontracepcijas vai hormonu aizstājterapijas lietošana, adipozitāte. Darbs, kas saistīts ar ilgstošu sēdēšanu vai stāvēšanu, arī smagumu cilāšana un karstuma ietekme.
Insufficiency of the superficial veins, or varicose veins, occurs in every third inhabitant of the world.

One in three

Chronic venous insufficiency is characterized by long-term complaints or symptoms. One of the manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency is varicose veins – a common condition that affects up to 30% of the population. Although it is considered a benign condition, it can significantly impact quality of life and work ability. If left untreated, complications may develop.

In addition to cosmetic complaints, discomfort, fatigue, and swelling in the lower extremities, the condition promotes the development of irreversible skin changes and non-healing ulcers. Thanks to modern treatment, the number of patients coming to the phlebologist with trophic ulcers has decreased. Skin changes in the legs are not the only complication of chronic venous insufficiency. In daily practice, the development of thrombosis in the leg veins is often observed. Untreated varicose vein patients have a significantly higher risk of thrombosis, as demonstrated by both statistical data and daily observations of patients who seek help at our clinic with typical complaints in their legs.

Stages of the disease

The CEAP classification is used to determine the stage of development of chronic venous insufficiency. This classification is simple, well-understood, and allows for standardized assessment of the severity of the patient's condition based on clinical signs and ultrasound examination results. The most widely used classification in society is based on clinical manifestations.



C – Clinical / clinical manifestations


No visible or palpable signs of venous disease


Telangiectasias or reticular veins


Varicose veins




Skin and subcutaneous changes due to chronic venous insufficiency


Hyperpigmentation or eczema


Lipodermatosclerosis or atrophy


Corona phlebectactica


Healed ulcer


Active ulcer


Important to know

Varicose veins progress over time. Untreated varicose veins promote the formation of trophic ulcers and blood clots.
It affects quality of life
The condition promotes leg swelling, the expansion of blood vessel networks on the legs, and skin changes.
Individual approach
To achieve good treatment results, different treatment strategies and methods are tailored to each patient.
Var ārstēt
Visprecīzākā ārstēšanas metode ir lāzeroperācija vai lāzeroperācija ar sānu atzarojumu miniflebektomiju. Citos gadījumos tiek rekomendēta skleroterapija vai nozīmēta kompresijas terapija.

Our specialists

Uldis Mauriņš
Prof. Uldis Mauriņš
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Andrejs Vanags
Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags
Medicīnas Doktors, Fleboloģijas nodaļas vadītājs, Ķirurgs
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Alla Bobrova
Dr. Alla Bobrova
Asinsvadu ķirurgs
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Alise Didrihsone
Dr. Alise Didrihsone
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Sintija Lapsa
Dr. Sintija Lapsa
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Romans Luņins
Dr. Romans Luņins
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Marija Petroviča
Dr. Marija Petroviča
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Sandra Prāve
Dr. Sandra Prāve
Vispārējās prakses ārsts, Flebologs
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Andis Rīts
Dr. Andis Rīts
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Arturs Truškovs
Dr. Arturs Truškovs
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Rets Vīgants
Dr. Rets Vīgants
Ķirurgs, Flebologs
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Patient testimonials

Sandra Kupča
21. Jan, 2025

Gads pagājis kā vēnu operācija veikta, bet dr. A. Vanags paliks mans mīļākais ārsts, īsts profesionāls, jauks cilvēks.

Ilze Glaudāne
10. Jan, 2025

Forša dakterīte dara darbiņu no sirds!

Baiba Rasima
4. Jan, 2025

Andis Rīts ir brīnišķīgs, vairāk tādu sirdssiltu cilvēku pasaulei

Mairita T
3. Jan, 2025

Sirsnìgs paldies personàlam par laipno apkalpošanu, par pacietìbu un prasmi izskaidrot visus ar àrstèšanu skartos jautàjumus! Jùsu iestàdè jutos kà uz citas planètas, viss augstàkajà lìmenì! Ļoti, ļoti esmu pateicìga dakterei Allai Bobrovai par iejùtìbu un veikto operàciju ! Lai Jums gaiši un mierpilni Ziemassvètki un panàkumiem bagàts Jaunais gads!

Dairis Logins
28. Dec, 2024

Andrejs Vanags ir vislabākais ārsts. Paldies Jums par visu. Lai Jums vienmēr laba veselība.

Ludmila Meņģeisone
4. Dec, 2024

Dakteris ļoti jauks un atsaucīgs. Un ja dzīvē apmeklējis šo dakterite tād tas paliek atmiņā līdz mūža galam, tāk kā man personīgi. Paldies kā jūs tads mums esat!

20. Oct, 2024

Īpaša,individuāla pieeja. Jutos kā valsts prezidente. Apkalpošana no ārsta puses IZCILA!

Aleksandrs Bušs
1. Oct, 2024

Šis dakteris ir ļoti labs cilvēks !!! Biju viņa pacients

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Frequently asked questions
If there are symptoms, if there is a history of vein diseases in the family, or if there is simply a desire to check if everything is in order. This is advisable, as it helps to detect problems early and start treatment, but if there are no issues, it provides peace of mind.
The condition of vein health can change significantly over the course of a year.
No special preparation is required before a vein diagnostic examination.
Doppler ultrasound examination is completely safe for both the expectant mother and the baby. It is similar to the sonography performed during pregnancy to monitor the baby's development. During pregnancy, special attention should be given to vein health, as hormonal changes affect the condition of the leg veins.
Swelling, or edema, is one of the most common reasons for undergoing diagnostics and evaluating the health of the veins.