Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Experienced doctors
Accurate diagnosis
Clear treatment plan


Excellent aesthetic result
The treatment is done discreetly and without pain
Low disease recurrence rate
Short recovery period


The disease usually starts as an acute inflammation with the formation of a pus-filled abscess in the perineal groove area, which leads to a visit to a surgeon. After the acute situation is resolved, the disease most often progresses to a chronic form, during which fistulas develop in the perineal groove area. These fistulas periodically become inflamed, from which pus and blood are discharged. The fistulas gradually branch out, thus posing a risk of further spreading.

This disease is not malignant, but it significantly reduces the quality of life as it is associated with periodic inflammation and disability.

According to statistics, 25 out of 100,000 people suffer from this condition, but among soldiers, the incidence is observed up to 10 times more frequently. The disease primarily affects men between the ages of 18 and 40. Men with darker skin, pronounced body hair, excess weight, deep perineal grooves, and those with a sedentary lifestyle (e.g., office workers, drivers, etc.) are most at risk.

Treatment methods

Pilonidal sinus laser ablation surgery is currently the most effective and safest treatment for epithelial tracts of the coccyx.

During the surgery, a laser fiber is inserted into the fistula tracts, and with the help of laser energy, the fistula tracts are eliminated. After the surgery, there are small wounds, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, at the openings of the fistulas, which heal within a few weeks. The patient can go home on the day of the surgery and return to their regular daily and work activities the next day. The postoperative period is comfortable, without significant pain, and no strict protective regimen is required. After the surgery, the patient can sit, travel, or engage in sports. Following pilonidal sinus laser ablation, there is no risk of suture failure, as the surgery is performed through a small skin incision, resulting in an excellent cosmetic outcome after healing.

Important to know

Laser surgery can only be performed during the remission phase of the disease (when there is no acute inflammatory process).
It affects quality of life
If the epithelial tracts are inflamed and there is an abscess, they must be urgently opened, and the pus must be drained out.
If left untreated, it will recur
After the pus is drained, tracts remain under the skin, from which fluid, sometimes with blood, is periodically discharged. After some time, an abscess may form again.
Can be treated
The most effective treatment method for coccygeal epithelial tracts is surgical treatment with a laser.

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Frequently asked questions
If there are complaints of discomfort and pain in the coccyx area, it may indicate a pilonidal sinus (coccygeal tract) abscess. At Dr. Mauriņš' clinic, during a visit to the proctologist, an ultrasound is performed to assess the branching of the coccygeal tracts and the collection of pus. During the visit, the doctor creates a treatment plan and provides the costs.