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Laser hair removal course

  1. The hair must be shaved a day before the laser hair removal procedure. Regrown hair will need to be shaved before each session.
  2. The first results are noticeable approximately 10 days after the first procedure.
  3. The procedure should be repeated every 6 weeks. The number of sessions is determined individually, with an average course requiring 5–6 sessions. The necessary number of procedures is determined by a specialist, as it depends on individual factors and personal characteristics, such as hormonal balance, the amount of melanin in the hair, hair thickness, and the area being treated, among others. 

After completing the laser hair removal course, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure once a year for maintenance purposes.

How does it work?

The human skin consists of three morphologically distinct layers: the outer layer, or epidermis, the true skin, or dermis, which is made up of connective tissue, and the hypodermis, which attaches the skin to underlying tissues.

The shortest hair follicles only penetrate the dermis, and these are the fine hairs (hair root, bulb, and sebaceous glands) whose growth process can be affected by the laser hair removal device. The laser heats the dermis to the appropriate temperature, effectively damaging the hair follicle, thereby preventing the hair from regrowing (the hair simply falls out). It is important to note that in laser hair removal, surrounding tissues are not harmed. 

The procedure is based on a high repetition rate of short pulses delivered deep into the dermis, achieving a high average power and therapeutically effective heat accumulation, practically without pain. The In-motion technique, which involves repeatedly moving the applicator across the treatment area, ensures that the entire area is treated, while the ICE™ technology cools the skin's surface, preventing superficial burns and allowing for an almost painless but highly effective removal of unwanted hair.

Important to know

Long-term result
An excellent balance of effectiveness and safety.
Safe procedure
After the procedure, there are no ingrown hair, and the skin is not damaged.
The procedure can be performed year-round
Laser hair removal is safe even during the sunny months of the year.
For all areas
Any area can be treated for both women and men.
For the procedure to be performed, the skin must be healthy.

Our specialists

Elīna Audrupe
Elīna Audrupe
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Ilze Repša
Ilze Repša
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Jana Vaščenkova
Jana Vaščenkova
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Silva Želve
Silva Želve
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Jekaterina Žuravļova
Jekaterina Žuravļova
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Patient testimonials

19. Dec, 2024

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17. Dec, 2024

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Frequently asked questions
Laser hair removal is a procedure for removing unwanted hair. At the beginning of the procedure, the area of skin to be treated is divided into several sections, followed by the application of a cooling gel. During the procedure, the laser hair removal device is moved in circular motions across the specific area. One underarm is treated with medium energy in about one minute.
The duration of the procedure depends on the area chosen by the client, typically ranging from 20 minutes to 2 hours.
Results can be seen from 10 to 14 days after the procedure. The hairs will no longer stay as tightly attached and will gradually fall out.
Each patient has their own level of sensitivity; some are more sensitive, others less so. In terms of sensations, it is most often painless, but you may feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation.