Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Less pain
Less discomfort
Easier recovery
Shorter period of incapacity for work
Better cosmetic effect


Discomfort under the right ribs
Nausea, discomfort
Pain radiating to the shoulder blades or back

Gentle surgical treatment

To perform a laparoscopic surgery, the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide (CO2), creating a workspace for minimally invasive instruments to be inserted into the abdomen. One incision is made for the insertion of a camera, while the remaining three or four are used for the insertion of surgical instruments. The image from the camera is transmitted in magnified form to a monitor, and the surgeon operates while watching the screen. The number of incisions depends on the scope of the surgery; for hernia cases, three incisions are made, for gallbladder removal – four, but there are also situations that require additional incisions. The largest incision is up to 2 cm, with the others being 0.5 cm in length.


Usually, patients complain of discomfort under the right ribs, nausea, bloating, pain radiating to the shoulder blades or back. Sometimes these pains are mistaken for a myocardial infarction, and patients are admitted to the cardiology department, where they are diagnosed with gallstone disease. In medical practice, there are cases where gallstones have migrated to the common bile duct. These patients experience jaundice, fever, and abdominal pain. This requires more intensive treatment, involving specialists from other fields, and is defined as complicated treatment. In some cases, pain attacks can be so severe that emergency assistance must be called to alleviate them.

Our specialists

Sintija Lapsa
Dr. Sintija Lapsa
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Ilmārs Tračums
Dr. Ilmārs Tračums
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Jānis Pāvulāns
Dr. Jānis Pāvulāns
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Jānis Opincāns
Dr. Jānis Opincāns
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Patient testimonials

2. Dec, 2024

Viss profesionāli. Telpas jaunas, skaistas, gaišas.

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