Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Improves the appearance of the skin in areas with scars and stretch marks
Improves the appearance of the skin in areas with scars and stretch marks
Minimal recovery time compared to surgical procedures


Scars on the skin that result from injuries or surgeries
Thickening or raised scars that cause discomfort
Scars that are visible on exposed areas of the body, such as the face or arms
Worsening of the skin condition, such as irritation or itching in the scar area
Emotional impact, such as low self-esteem related to scars
The desire to improve the appearance of the skin and restore its smoothness
Previous experience with scar formation or slow healing after injuries
Pronounced skin pigmentation around scars, causing uneven skin tone and aesthetic issues
If you experience any of the following symptoms or situations, it is advisable to consult a specialist to discuss potential scar revision solutions:

Before and after



A woman's face with acne scars


A woman's face after the procedure, without scars

How does the procedure work?

Before starting a skin rejuvenation course, a thorough and detailed evaluation of your health status is conducted at our clinic. In this process, our specialists check not only your general health but also potential allergic reactions that could affect the treatment results. We pay close attention to ensuring that the selected procedures are not only effective but also completely safe for you, as each patient is unique, and their skin characteristics can be very different. Therefore, this step is crucial to avoid any unwanted side effects and ensure that the treatment process proceeds as successfully as possible.

Before starting a skin rejuvenation course, a thorough and detailed evaluation of your health status is conducted at our clinic. In this process, our specialists check not only your general health but also:

  1. Potential allergic reactions that could affect treatment results;
  2. Skin characteristics, as each patient is unique, and their skin traits can be very different;
  3. The effectiveness and safety of procedures to ensure that the chosen methods are perfectly suited for you.

Our experienced and qualified dermatologists, trained in using the latest diagnostic methods, will carefully assess your skin condition. Special attention is given to areas with scars, stretch marks, or other problematic zones, as these are important factors that influence the treatment strategy.

How does recovery work?

After the procedure, it is possible that the skin may become red and sensitive, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days. This is a normal process caused by the skin's renewal and healing phase. To promote skin healing and reduce discomfort, our doctors will provide detailed aftercare instructions that will help you recover as quickly and effectively as possible.

It is crucial to follow these recommendations, which include avoiding direct sun exposure, as UV rays can harm the healing skin. It is also recommended to use soothing creams that will help reduce redness and irritation, ensuring the skin receives the necessary moisture and protection.

Important to know

Skin care after the procedure
Moisturizing and sun protection are essential in the skin healing process.
Recovery time
Complete recovery can take 1–2 weeks, depending on the type of procedure.
Regular visits
Doctor's visits are important to assess healing and adjust care accordingly.
Sun protection
Use sunscreen to prevent pigmentation changes.
The full effect of the procedure may only be visible after several months.

Our specialists

Ineta Mauriņa
Dr. Ineta Mauriņa
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Anda Gaile
Dr. Anda Gaile
Estētikas Ķirurgs (Plastiskais ķirurgs)
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Kristīne Kalniņa
Dr. Kristīne Kalniņa
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Juta Maskalāne
Dr. Juta Maskalāne
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Ilze Upeniece
Dr. Med. Ilze Upeniece
More information

Patient testimonials

Laura Kalniņa
29. Jan, 2025

Šogad pavasaris atnāce ne tikai ar silto laiku, bet arī nepatīkamām sejas ādas problēmām. Kādu laiku pamocijos saviem spēkiem, bet nekādi uzlabojumi nebija manāmi, līdz brīdim kamēr aizgāju uz vizīti pie dermatoloģes dr.Mauriņas. Daktere izrakstīja aptiekā nopērkamus sejas kopšanas līdzekļus, rekomendēja pamēģināt dažādas nianses saistībā ar uzturu, kā arī nosūtīja uz klīnikā pieejamo hydrafacial procedūru kursu. Pēc 2 nedēļām jau bija ļoti manāmi uzlabojumi, bet pēc 3 mēnešiem sejas āda labāka kā iepriekš jebkad bijusi!

3. Dec, 2024

Laipnums kopā ar augstu profesionalitāti, tiešām lieliski. Paldies!

11. Sep, 2024

Patīk laipnais ,smaidīgais kolektīvs,gaišās telpas,profesionālie ārsti,kas raisa uzticēšanos.Pateicoties jūsu darbam un zināšanām es kļūstu veselāka un jaunāka.

9. Sep, 2024

Super! Juta, Jūs esat vislabākā! <3

7. Feb, 2024

Ļoti laipna ārste, tiešām ļoti patīkami. Visu izskaidroja, kas nebija skaidrs. Ļoti laipna, tas radīja drošu sajūtu, ka varu speciālistiem uzticēties, viss ļoti cilvēcīgi un jauki.

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Frequently asked questions
Scar correction can involve various methods, such as laser therapy, surgical excision, dermabrasion, the use of silicone gels, injections, or other minimally invasive procedures. Each method is suitable for different types of scars and the patient's needs.
Depending on the chosen method and the type of scar, results can appear within a few weeks to several months. For example, the results of laser therapy may become noticeable after several sessions.
Pain can vary depending on the procedure used and individual pain tolerance. Sometimes, anesthesia or sedatives are applied to reduce discomfort.
Side effects may include redness, swelling, itching, or occasional infection. It is important to consult with a specialist about the risks and ways to minimize them.